Hotel Cenacolo Milan
Hotel Pierre, an outstanding choice if you want to stay in a luxury hotel that know how to offer you all the charms from a hotel, Cenacolo or last super in Milan has all the comfort you need for you accommodation in the historical center of Milan.
If you wish to admire and enjoy with peace and tranquility the Last Super of Leonardo, our Hotel in Milan is located in a strategic position that will certainly help you visit the Last Supper without worrying about having to leave very early in the morning to arrive at opening hours or scheduled hours: from our hotel Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan is also a few minutes away from our Hotel Pierre which makes of Pierre the real Cenacolo of Milan.
Book you immediately your tickets to go visit the Last Supper and contact then Hotel Pierre whom will find the best accommodation to suit and satisfy your needs: in the heart of the city our hotel Supper Milan is certainly the choice that will be able to change your visit into an artwork with an unforgettable stay.